Harmonizing Your Fields of Grace
Service Description
Your Fields of Grace are 7 fields of radiant light which radiate the magnificence of your soul, which radiates way beyond your physical body. These 7 Fields of Grace radiate an exquisite radiant light, invisible to the naked eye, yet you feel its presence instantly when you come into contact with another person. When two Fields of Grace come in contact with another, you both will instantly feel a loving connection with one another or you may feel repelled to move away from the other for no apparent, logical reason. Your Fields of Grace, like your chakras, are divinely intelligent and inform you of their pick-ups intuitively. They will actively invite you to come closer to that person or to create an unease within you that causes you to move automatically away from that person or situation. Your Fields of Grace are embodied with innate wisdom, understanding, wise counsel, heart centred courage, knowledge, reverence and awe for all of life. When your Fields of Grace are not functioning well, you will lack inner wisdom and make decisions that may not be in your interest. You will lack understanding of what is truly unfolding in front or within you and you will distrust your own innate inner counsel. Self created fear prevents you from having the courage to follow your heart and causes you to distrust the inner voice of knowledge speaking softly to you. You can become closed minded or hard hearted resulting in lack of care, compassion and kindness for all of life around you. The good news here is that by cleansing and balancing your chakras along with your Fields of Grace, you will step up and become all you can be. You will be radiant with grace, peace, courage, knowledge, and awe for all of life. You will be much more clued into all that is unfolding within you, responding more tenderly to the gentle inner voice of wisdom and allowing your soul innate knowledge to bubble gently up within you, guiding and directing all aspects of your life. You will witness and experience deep healing occurring within you. This combined healing of your chakras and your Fields of Grace, will affect your mental health deeply, healing all those mental challenges or imbalances, bring you inner contentment, a still, clear mind, sooth your emotions, and boost your general health and wellbeing.
Contact Details
29 Árd Breeda, Caherwalter, Loughrea, County Galway, Ireland